Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
11 Weeks old
These updates are going to get shorter because I take them to the doctor once a month. Their next appointment with the pediatrician is January 19th and January 2nd with the opthamologist, hopefully for the final visit.
This week was a nice week. Granny is still here. She will be here until January 21st. She has been a wonderful help. Nick's Aunt Kris and Uncle Robert came for a visit. We realized this week that there are still really good people in this world. The post office, where Nick works, raised some money for our family to help us out, gave us presents for the kids, and made a snowman and Santa cake that looked fabulous and tasted delicious. I took a picture of it! We had a great Christmas. Next year will be even better when the kids can tear open presents and run around the house.
Lily has realized that if she cries...someone will come and check on her. Her cry is really hearbreaking,....very soft and dainty. Luke has begun to stare at and grab faces if you get to close. Boy is he strong. Sarah seems to be a studier. She loves to stare at people's faces and does everything in slow motion. If she is unhappy, she screams.
Ava is doing great. She is on the lowest possible amount of oxygen she can be on. She is now bottle feeding every other feed 20mls. The rest she gets through a feeding tube (She gets 70mls total). She looks great, although when Nick and I went to see her Christmas morning she was really tired and drowsy because she has just fed from a bottle and was really pooped! So we have no pictures of her with those beautiful eyes open. She now weighs 6lbs. 3oz. We cannot wait for her to come home.
I will have to start doing this monthly. When Ava gets home, I don't know when I'll have time to do this. Talk to you next week!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
10 weeks
Toady was my official due date!!!
It has been another busy week filled with doctor's appointments and no sleep for the weary. We had lots of help this week. Nana (Nick's Mom) and Granny (My Grandmother) were both here and gave a hand where they could. Nana stayed up for those late night feedings! She was a trooper. Granny seems to be in amazement that there are really four babies. She has been helping with the feedings as well. Nana left yesterday and Granny is here until January 21st.
Wednesday was a long day and the first big trip out for Sarah, Luke & Lily. I had to take them up to All Children's hospital for an othomology appointment. Me, Nick, and Nana went. They're eyes are all fine. We have a follow up in January and if they are o.k. then, we don't have to go back. Then Sarah had a cardiology appointment. She had to wear another holter monitor for 24hrs (If you remember, she had an arrhythmia). I don't have the results of that yet, but the doctor seems to think everything is ws just a follow-up to make sure everthing was still o.k. We then went to visit Ava since we were there already. Nick went in first, and then Me & Nana went in to see her. The babies are not allowed in the NICU, so, they had to wait in the waiting room. In between this hectic day....we also managed to feed them 2x and get them home in time for the 5pm feed! On Thursday, they had to go to the pediatrician for their wellness checkup and RSV & HEP B shots. They were not happy babies. Nana left yesterday and we miss her already!
So here are the updates:
Sarah: 5lbs. 11oz. 18 1/2 in.
Luke: 6lbs. 8oz. 19 3/4 in. (has a touch of colic)
Lily: 6lbs. 14oz. 20.5 in. (She's a chunker!)
Ava: 5lbs. 11oz. 18.5 in. She has finally moved upstairs. She is now learning how to feed from a bottle. She is still on some oxygen...but it is a low flow nasal canula. She is finally showing signs that she wants to come home! Yay! She looks amazing. You'll see when you look at the pictures.
Talk to you soon!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
9 Weeks Old
It has been a tiring and exciting week at the same time. Nana (Nick's Mom) flew in on Wednesday. She was very excited to see the quads as they were excited to see her. They asked me to dress them in their Sunday best to see Nana. She has been a great help to us and we are having great fun.
We're having a tough time with the 1am & 5am feedings because Mom Mom & Grandpop (my Mom & Dad) usually do the 5am feeding so that we can get some sleep, but they went away for the weekend. So we have been up doing both feeds and trying to sleep in between, but it has been hard. I can't sleep during the day....I'm trying though.
As for the quads, they are doing great. Sarah and Lily are settled in nicely...although Lily is still having a hard time doing number two. She makes a lot of grunting noises. It's a sin. I don't know how she sleeps soundly. Sarah sleeps so soundly that I have to check to see if she is breathing. Luke.......oh Luke. He had his one week check-up and he is doing great. He now weighs 6 lbs. 2oz. He's gained 10 oz. in a week. What's not so great about Luke is that he's got a little bit of the colic.....and he sqeals like a pig when he cries.....he screeches. Of course he is fine during the day and gets colic at night. We're dealing with it though. He'll get better and adjust soon. Ava has finally made some strides. She has finally went down on her oxygen. She is now on 2 liters of oxygen at 30-35% and is tube feeding 15mls an hour. She has started small bottle feeds. She is taking 5mls 2x a day. She now weighs 5lbs. 3oz. and is 17 1/4 inches long. Hopefully she will continue making these improvements. Please keep her in your prayers.
Well I gotta's time to get ready for the 1AM feed. I'll talk to you next week...We have another visitor coming in this week, Great Grandmom (my grandmother).
Enjoy the pictures. Talk to you soon!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
8 Weeks
It's been an extremely busy week. Luke was supposed to come home on Tuesday, but had a bradycardia so he could not come home. I already had a doctors appointment scheduled for all three of them, but I still had to take the girls. They look great. The doctor said that they look great for preemies. They have both gained weight too. I was very happy about that because they were not eating very well when I first brought them home. They are pretty hearty eaters now. Lily is eating 3 1/3oz and weighs 5lbs 10oz from 4lbs 14oz last week. Sarah is eating 2 1/3oz and weighs 4lbs 10oz from 4lbs 2oz last week.
Luke did come home finally on Thursday night and Aunt Laurie came in for a visit that night as well. I took hime to the doctor on Friday morning and he now weighs 5lbs 6oz. and is eating 3oz. He is having a little trouble adjusting and is very fussy! We're still working on schedules. They are eating every 4 hours. Luke and Lily eat at the same time and Sarah eats alone. She is a slow eater.
Aunt Laurie has been helping us settle into a routine. It's going to be hard when she leaves tomorrow because it's nice to have the extra pair of hands. Especially when I am up late by myself trying to do two feeds. I stay up until 2:30 am doing the night feeds. Nick stays up with me if he doesn't have to work. My mom and dad get up for the 5am feed and I get up again in time to do the 9 am feed. It seems to work for us right now. I am tired, but am doing ok. Thank goodness Nana (Nick's Mom) is coming down on Wednesday.
When Nick and I go to the hospital to visit Ava, Aunt Jeri comes over to help my mom if my dad is working. Ava is pretty much the same. She is making very small improvements. She is still on 4 liters of oxygen at approximately 30-35%. She looks great and is very active. She now weighs 4lbs 11oz We don't know if she'll be home in time for Christmas, but we're hoping that she is. Speaking of which, we also took pictures this week for our Christmas cards. They turned out great. I don't want to give it away so you'll see them when you get yours. I'll post the pictures around Christmas time.
Well gotta go....need to get ready for the 1:00 AM feed!!!
Talk to ya next week!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
7 Weeks
It was a rough night for me to say the least. I did not sleep at all! Not because the girls kept me up (they slept great), but because I was worried about them. I kept checking them to make sure they were still breathing. I guess I'm a worry wart. On Wednesday, I had to take them both to the pediatrician to get a check-up. They were both fine. Sarah did lose a little weight overnight because she was not eating enough. She is stubborn when it comes to eating. Her sister Lily LOVES to eat. Lily gets extremely fussy when we are even a minute late with her feedings! Sarah is 4lbs. 2oz. and Lily is 5lbs.
As for Luke.....he now weighs 5lbs. It looks like he maybe coming home Tuesday???? We'll see. Let's pray for no bradycardias or he'll have to stay another 5 days. He looks great!
Ava is still pretty much the same. She is still on oxygen through a nasal canula... 4 liters at 33%. The doctor said her lungs sound great but they are tight (she has shallow breaths). She just needs to learn to take those deep breaths, but she's been on oxygen for so long that I personally think she's getting lazy! She is gaining weight (4lbs. 10oz.) and she is in a crib maintaining her own body temperature. The doctor said to grasp on to the little things. As long is she is not backsliding...that's what's important.
O.k. so there you have it! Two home and two more to go. Well, gotta run! I have diapers to change and bottles to feed......................By the way, I love every minute of it!!!!
Make sure you pause the music in the green box before playing the video.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
6 Weeks
Hello again!
We have some great news! Lily Grace (Baby Girl D) will be coming home tomorrow (Monday, November 24th). We are so excited. She will miss her brother and sisters terribly and they will miss her, but they will hopefully be coming to join her soon. Lily now weighs 4lbs. 13oz. and is 18 inches long. She is eating at least 2 ounces every 4 hours. She has come a long way!
Sarah Lynn (Baby Girl A) is doing fabulous! She weighs 4lbs. 1oz. 17 inches long and is now on full feeds. She does not require a feeding tube anymore. We can finally see her whole face. Boy is it round and chunky, like her Mommy's face. Sarah is eating a little over an ounce every 3 hours. We need to try to get her to closer to two ounces every 4 hours and then she may be able to come home. Let's go Sarah!
Luke Nicholas (Baby Boy B) is also doing great. He now weighs a chunky 4lbs. 11oz. and is 17 1/2 inches long. Nick and I have noticed that his hair is more on the blond side with some strawberry tint in it. We're not sure where that comes from! I did have blond hair when I was little, but the red???? who knows. He is still on a feed tube, but is working hard to get it out. He has been feeding from a bottle about 1 1/4 ounces every other feed.
Ava Elizabeth (Baby Girl C) is doing good. She weighs 4lbs. 6oz. and is the tallest of the bunch. She is 19 3/4 inches long. She is still working hard at getting rid of that annoying nasal canula (oxygen). She is up to 4 liters at 31% oxygen, but is trying to working it down slowly. The doctors are not quite sure why she is requiring so much oxygen when she is doing wonderful with everything else. They are trying a different medication on her to see if it will help. She wants to be with her brother and sisters upstairs so bad! She obviously still has her feeding tube in. She can not feed from a bottle until she can breathe on her own. She is eating 11ml every hour. Please keep her in your prayers that she will continue to improve......maybe at a little faster rate than she is now.
Enjoy the pictures and the video! Don't forget to turn off the music on the side of the page to hear the video! Talk to you next week:)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
5 Weeks
This week has been a pretty exciting week. A lot of things have changed, for the better. Some of squad may be preparing to come home soon......pending any setbacks. I don't want to jinx it so I won't talk about it too much.
Sarah is doing great. She is gaining weight and now weighs 3lbs. 10oz. She has started breastfeeding and feeding from a bottle every other feed. The rest of the feeds she gets through a feeding tube. I'll be so happy when they all have the feeding tubes out and off of their faces (Lily looks great without hers doesn't she?). They are working her up to full feeds. She is also in a bassinett and maintaining her body temperature well. Her heart was checked again this week while wearing a holter monitor and the doctors say she is fine and has no serious heart issues. She is extremely alert and aware of her surroundings. We may possibly have her home in two weeks, maybe sooner.
Luke is also doing fabulous. He is gaining weight and now weighs 4lbs. 3oz. He has started breastfeeding once a day when I am there, but has not started on a bottle yet. Hopefully soon. He is definitelty ready! He is still receiving his feeds through a feeding tube. He has no infections....lets hope it stays that way...and looks very healthy. He is also now in a bassinett and is maintaining his body temperature. He already has two typical favorite hobbies for a male...eating and sleeping. Sounds a lot like his daddy, huh?
Ava is still steady and working hard to breath on her own. She is gaining weight and now weighs 4lbs. She is still requiring oxygen (3liters @30-40%) from a nasal canula and is still in a isolette, but everything else looks great. She is still separated from her brother and sisters and is very agitated about it! She has a very strong grip and seems to love grabbing and sleeping with her her stuffed cheetah.
Lily is leading the pack right now. She weighs 4lbs 5 1/2oz. and is gaining weight. She is now on full breast/formula feeds. She does not require a feeding tube anymore. She is in a bassinett and is also maintaining her body temperature. She has finally started to realize that if she makes noise, she gets attention....specifically if she cries, she'll get food. She is also very alert and has the cutest cheeks! She is almost ready to go home. Pray for no apnea atacks or bradycardias for a week!
Enjoy the pictures and the short video of the kids. I deleted Sarah's video by accident. I'll get another one next week. When you watch the videos.....make sure you click the pause/stop button on the music (green box) to the left before you play the video so that you can hear the babies.
Talk to you next week!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
One Month
This week has been a pretty good week. All the babies are progressing nicely and are gaining weight, finally! We even have a few feeding from a bottle.
Sarah, the smallest peanut, now weighs 3lbs. 3oz. She is eating one ounce every three hours. She has started feeding from a bottle this week. She gets pretty sleepy half way through her feedings, though. She needs to finish her feedings a little bit faster. She is now being dressed and her isolette is open. Sarah has been maintaining her body temperature pretty well for such a little girl! She also got her footprints and handprints done this week.
Luke, our big boy, now weighs 4lbs. 1/2oz. He is eating 11ml an hour. He is doing pretty well. He was moved upstairs this week with his sisters Lily & Sarah. He is back on antibiotics as of today because it seems he might have another infection. We'll have to wait and see for sure when his cultures come back. He seems to be dealing with it very well. He is not feeding from a bottle just yet, but he is sucking furiously on his binky! Any day now! Luke is also being dressed, but his isolette is not opened yet. He's catching up to his sisters quickly.
Ava, our chunky monkey, now weighs 3lbs. 12oz. SHe is eating 11ml an hour. She is still downstairs. She is not breathing on her own yet, but is trying real hard. Everything else with her is wonderful, but she just needs to work a little harder on her breathing. She'll get there, soon I hope. I know she is lonely without her brother and sisters next to her.
Lily, our long legged girl, now weighs 3lbs. 9oz. and is doing fabulous. She is eating one ounce every three hours. She was the first to feed from a bottle. She is a little piggy. She loves to eat from a bottle and finishes it like a champ. and is also dressed. Her isolette is also open and she is practicing maintaining her body temperature.Lily also got her footprints and handprints done this week.
Click on the website below to see the lastest pictures:
Kelly & Nick
Sunday, November 2, 2008
3 Weeks Old
Things are going well. The babies have had their ups and downs, but I'm told it is normal and these things will happen. Sarah and Lily are both upstairs now. Upstairs is a small step up. They are still in NICU, but are doing better.
As of today, Sarah is eating 15ml every three hours, which is about a half an oz. and she is pooping again. She has had no A's & B's (apnea or bradycardia attacks). She had a few problems earlier in the week. She had a distended belly and they stopped her feeds, put her on an IV while they did a blood culture to find out what the problem was. They thought she might have an infection, but she did not.....just gas. Yesterday, they noticed that she has an irregular hearbeat, so they put her on a holter monitor and the cardiologist will have the results for me tomorrow. She now weighs 3lbs. 1oz.
Lily is having a great week. She is eating 28ml every three hours, which is about one oz. She has had a couple of bradycardias, but overall is doing well. She now weighs 3lbs. 3oz.
Luke is doing wonderful this week and looks great. No signs of seems to be gone. He is eating 8ml every hour. As of today, the nurse dressed him and his isolete is opened. He seems to be maintaining his body temperature well, they said iff he does well the rest of the day...he may be ready for a regular crib. I guess all his body fat helps. He now weighs 3lbs. 15oz. He had no A's & B's.
Ava started out having a great week, but has been having a rough couple of days. Earlier in the week, she was down to 2 liters of oxygen (25-35%) and was lying on her back and doing well. Nick and I finally got to hold her for the first time. Then yesterday, when I was there to visit, the nurse told me that they had to raise her oxygen to 6 liters and put her back on her stomach. She seemed to be working too hard and got tuckered out. Today they took her down to 5 liters and she is doing o.k. She has had no A's & B's and is eating 6ml every hour. She now weighs 3lbs 5oz.
Click on the link below:
Check back next week for an update!!!
Kelly & Nick
Monday, October 27, 2008
Two Weeks Old
They are now 2 weeks old. My how time flies! I'm feeling great, just a sore back, but doing well. Sarah was moved up to the 3rd floor today which is a step up. She is doing great. She is eating 23ml of breastmilk every three hours and acts just like a full term baby, but looks like a baby doll. It is so surreal! Right now she weighs 2lbs. 91/2oz. Luke, who was doing so well, now has an infection, but seems to be fighting it off extremely well and his cultures keep coming back great. We just have to keep an eye on him and wait and see. He's a big boy! I know he'll pull through.They do have him on a vapotherm for now just to give him a little extra oxygen. They stopped his feeds for a while and put him back on an IV, but now they have started feeding him again 1ml of breastmilk every three hours. He weighs 3lbs. 41/2oz. Ava is doing much better. Earlier in the week, she was on a respirator still and she pulled it out herself not once, but twice. The doct or then decided that maybe she wanted to breathe on her own and put her on the vapotherm with a small amount of oxygen, and she has been doing wonderful with it! They also started giving her small feeds. She is eating 1ml of breastmilk every 3 hours. Ava now weighs 3lbs. 1/2 oz. Lily is doing exceptionally well. She has caught up to Sarah! She is eating 22ml of breastmilk every three hours and is doing great. She weighs 2lbs. 13oz.
We'll update you again next week!Click on the link below to see new pictures.
Kelly & Nick
Sunday, October 19, 2008
One Week Old
Nick and I have gone to see the babies several times this week already and it is amazing how fast they change. They definitely have their own personalities and features. Sarah is the oldest and seems to be showing it. She has been the first to do everything. She is now up to 8ml feeds every three hours and is now breathing on her own and doing very well. She has very petite facial features. We're not sure who she looks like just yet. Nick said she looks like me, but I'm not so sure. She has huge hands and huge feet. She certainly does not get those from me. She does not like to be messed with. She gets grumpy very easily when she is bothered.
We can finally see Luke's face. He is so adorable, but makes the weirdest facial expressions. We're not sure who he looks like, but we said that in his goofy picture, where he is making a funny face, that he kind of resembles Nick's Dad (Pop Pop). He is also doing very well. He is also on 8ml feeds every three hours and is breathing on his own. He is, however, on the jaundice lights for now.
Lily is definitely playing to the beat of her own drum. She is now on CPAP (breathing mask) with the help of a small amount of oxygen and is on 4ml feeds every three hours. She is catching up to her brother and sister very quickly. She is definitely a daddy's girl. She looks just like her daddy. She has his hair color, even his hair line, his nose, his long fingers, big feet, long legs, ans she sure is hairy. Not only that, but she also has daddy's demeanor in the morning. She is grumpy when she is woken up and does not want to be bothered. She loves her sleep!
Ava has turned the crucial corner and is getting better by the day. She has been taken off of the oscillating ventilator and is on the regular ventilator, so she is still needing help to breathe. She is not eating just yet, but she is receiving IV fluids. They have also dropped her dopemine level. We're not sure who she resembles just yet, but my mom says she looks like me when I was little. She has very small hands and short legs with small feet. We're not sure about her personality just yet because she has been working so hard at getting better that she is very tired and sleeps a lot.
Here are the latest pictures. Click on the link below!
Kelly & Nick
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Introducing the members of the QUAD SQUAD
The quads have arrived!! They were born on Saturday, October 11th at 30 weeks. Sarah was born first @3:06 pm weighing in at 2lbs. 14oz., 14 1/4 in. long. Luke was born second @ 3:07 pm weighing in at 3lbs. 5oz., 16 in. long. Ava was born third @ 3:08 pm weighing in at 2lbs. 14 1/2oz., 15 3/4 in. long. Lily was born last @ 3:08 pm weighing in at 3lbs. 1 1/2oz., 15 1/2 in. long. Nick got to get a few pictures of them right after they were born. They are all doing well but need extra time in the hospital of course for close observations. It is very hard for us not being able to spend time with them, but we know they are being well ta ken care of there. My doctor discharged me after 48 hours (yesterday) so that I could visit them, but he gave me the stipulation that I had to go home right afterwards and rest and take care of myself. I promised I would and I have been. I slept very well last night, the best I have slept in months. I am very sore, but o.k. Nick called for an update on the babies today and here is the latest: Sarah and Luke are both breathing on their own and are feeding on breast milk 1cc every three hours. They are doing better than expected for their age. Ava and Lily aren't fairing as well, but are doing as expected for their age. Lily is working on breathing on her own and they hope to have her off the ventilator soon. She is on an IV drip right now and is not ready for breast milk just yet. Ava is also on an IV drip, but we were told today that she also needed a blood transfusion. Her red blood cell count was a little low, but they said not to worry, it is something that is very common among babies that small. They just had to give her more blood, because they have to keep taking blood to check on them. We are very happy and excited for them to come home, but it will be a while. We'll keep you updated as much as possible. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!! Click on the link below to see our newest additions.
Kelly & Nick
Thursday, September 25, 2008
27 Weeks
This week took a little bit of a turn. I had an appointment on Wednesday for an ultrasound and to check my cervix. First the good news...the babies are all doing great. They are all healthy and gaining good amounts of weight. Baby Girl A weighs 2lbs. 1 oz (gained 7 oz. in 2 wks.), Baby Boy B weighs 2lbs. 5oz. (gained 8 oz. in 2 wks.), Baby Girl C weighs 2lbs. 1 oz. (gained 7 oz. in 2 wks.), and Baby Girl D, the runt nomore weighs 2lbs. 3 oz. (gained a whopping 10 oz. oz in 2 wks.). We have some great 3D pictures of Baby Girl C, who seems to be the ham. She takes great pictures. We have have half of Baby Girl D playing Peek A Boo trying to see past Baby C's sack. Baby Girl A is impossible to get a picture of. She is always facing the wrong way and she is very low. Baby Boy B gave us a a quick face pic, but we couldn't get him on 3 D. He is just showing us his skeleton face. Nick and I were also told that Baby Boy B has a l ot of hair, so did Nick when he was born. I guess he is already taking after his daddy. Now for the semi-bad news???...This Sinus infection I've had is finally starting to go away, but it turning into coughing and sneezing. I thought it was great, but turns out, not so great. When they went to check my cervix on ultrasound, it looked pretty good until I happened to cough while they were measuring. Then it shrunk down to under a centimeter, which is not good. They are worried that the coughing and sneezing is going to blow out my cervix and cause me to go into labor. SOOOOOOO, I am officially on real bed rest, only to get up to go to the bathroom and shower as quickly as I can. I also went right to the Labor and Delivery Triage after my appt. courtesy of Nick's wheelchair driving skills (that was funny, not!) for a steroid shot. The doctor told me it is to speed up the babies lung development, just in case something happens. I also had to go back today for another one . Now I'm done with that. My doctor told me that I need to rest because he is going on vacation. He also told the doctor that's on call that if something does happen over the weekend to give me all the drugs possible to stop contractions because I AM NOT to have these babies without him! He had a meeting with all of the doctors, nurses, and staff about me and they all know I'm coming at some point, which is reassuring I guess. Another good thing is that I'm not really having contractions! So we'll have to wait and see. Hopefully they'll stay in there another 3-4 weeks and everything will be fine! Please keep us in your prayers. I'll update again soon! Enjoy the pictures!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
26 Weeks




Monday, September 1, 2008
24 Weeks
This past week was a very busy and exciting week. Sunday, August 24th, I was thrown a surprise shower. Boy, was it a surprise! One of my friends flew in and Nick’s Mom and Sister both flew in just for the shower. I had a great time, not to mention all of the wonderful gifts I received. During the shower, I felt lots of tightness in my belly and decided to call the doctor on Monday morning. When I called, I was told to go right to the hospital. I was very scared. While I was there, I was put on a contraction monitoring device and they took a look at the babies. It turned out that everything was fine! The tightness I was feeling was just irritability. The babies are irritable because they are fighting for space. On the ultrasound, you could see them kicking and punching up a storm. I then started to actually feel them kicking. It feels more like someone is poking me very lightly.
On Tuesday, a nurse was sent out to my house and brought me a home contraction monitoring kit and a terbutaline pump. I have to monitor myself 2x a day for an hour on the contraction kit, after which I send the info via wireless connection to a nurse in Philadelphia or Tampa who then calls me to tell me how many or if I had any contractions. I am allowed to have up to 4 an hour, any more than that and I have to re-monitor for another hour. So far it has worked well. It feels good to know that if I am feeling contractions or even if I just am not sure of what I am feeling I can just monitor and the nurses will call to tell me if everything is ok. So far I have had a maximum of 4 contractions (only the first time I used it), but every other time it has been one contraction or none at all! I think the terbutaline pump has really helped in that department. It is to keep you from having contractions. It is a little pump that I have to wear 24/7; it will give me a constant dose of medication through a little tube in my leg. I do have to change the site every five days. The amount of medication can also be adjusted if I need it.
I had a doctor’s appt. on Wednesday. Everything is still going wonderful. The babies are all doing well. Baby Girl A is measuring 1 lb.4 oz., Baby Boy B is measuring 1 lb. 7 oz., Baby Girl C is measuring 1 lb. 4 oz., and Baby Girl D is measuring the smallest at 1 lb. 3 oz. The doctor said that their sizes are good and he told me to continue working, if you can believe it. I am exhausted! I am very swollen all over as you can see in the pictures. It is very hard to smile, because honestly, I am very uncomfortable. Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t change anything. I am very excited to have these babies, but the weight and discomfort are really taking their toll on me as you can see in the latest pictures of me. I just have to take it one day at a time. Everyone here has been a great help giving me hand, feet, and back massages. It helps to push the water around because it tends to settle in those places. Overall, everything is good. I’ll be back in 2 weeks for an update because my next appt. is on Sept. 10th, unless something happens in between.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
23 Weeks
Hello everyone! I'm still here and feeling o.k. I'm still uncomfortable.I guess it is to be expected.I did go to the doctor this Thursday and there is good and bad news. The good news is the babies are all really healthy still and they are getting really big. They've all grown to over a lb. in 2 weeks. 2 of the girls went from 12oz. to 1 lb. 1 oz, the other girl went from 13 oz. to 1 lb. 2 oz. and the big boy went from 15 oz. to 1 lb. 3 oz. We are very pleased with that. My blood pressure is still great! I am swelling quite a bit in my feet, ankles, toes, legs, fingers, face and nose! My doctor said that it is just water retention and it is to be expected, everyone gets it, it just multiplies with multiples. He is now concerned with the length of my cervix. It has shrunk over an inch in the past 2 weeks. For those of you who don't know...if it shrinks too far, I will go into labor. He mentioned the home monitoring kit that monitors for contractions. He said that he was going to talk to my specialist and they were going to make a decision about what happens next (monitoring kit, bed rest, etc...) by my next visit which is on Wednesday. I'll let you know then........stay tuned!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
22 Weeks
Thursday, August 7, 2008
20 Week Checkup
Sunday, August 3, 2008
20 Weeks
Sunday, July 27, 2008
19 Weeks
I feel good this week. There is a lot of stretching and pulling going on inside! I cannot feel them moving yet though, believe it or not. I am a little on the tired side a lot, just out of energy. My feet swell real bad when I am on them too long, so I'm trying to stay off of them as much as possible. Other than that I feel great. It's still amazing to me that there are 4 babies in there. We are really excited, but scared, of course. I worry every week that I don't get to see them on ultrasound. I can't wait for my next appointment. I see the maternal fetal specialist next. My visit is scheduled for August 6th. It feels like it's never going to come. I'll hopefully have more ultrasound pictures for you then!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
18 Weeks
Friday, July 11, 2008
17 Weeks



