The quads have arrived!! They were born on Saturday, October 11th at 30 weeks. Sarah was born first @3:06 pm weighing in at 2lbs. 14oz., 14 1/4 in. long. Luke was born second @ 3:07 pm weighing in at 3lbs. 5oz., 16 in. long. Ava was born third @ 3:08 pm weighing in at 2lbs. 14 1/2oz., 15 3/4 in. long. Lily was born last @ 3:08 pm weighing in at 3lbs. 1 1/2oz., 15 1/2 in. long. Nick got to get a few pictures of them right after they were born. They are all doing well but need extra time in the hospital of course for close observations. It is very hard for us not being able to spend time with them, but we know they are being well ta ken care of there. My doctor discharged me after 48 hours (yesterday) so that I could visit them, but he gave me the stipulation that I had to go home right afterwards and rest and take care of myself. I promised I would and I have been. I slept very well last night, the best I have slept in months. I am very sore, but o.k. Nick called for an update on the babies today and here is the latest: Sarah and Luke are both breathing on their own and are feeding on breast milk 1cc every three hours. They are doing better than expected for their age. Ava and Lily aren't fairing as well, but are doing as expected for their age. Lily is working on breathing on her own and they hope to have her off the ventilator soon. She is on an IV drip right now and is not ready for breast milk just yet. Ava is also on an IV drip, but we were told today that she also needed a blood transfusion. Her red blood cell count was a little low, but they said not to worry, it is something that is very common among babies that small. They just had to give her more blood, because they have to keep taking blood to check on them. We are very happy and excited for them to come home, but it will be a while. We'll keep you updated as much as possible. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!! Click on the link below to see our newest additions.
Kelly & Nick
Lex senior year of FOOTBALL!
5 years ago
Congratulations! Did you get my comment on your last post? Pretty sure our quads are at the same hospital! Actually, one of mine has been discharged. The other three are still there, but we're in the upstairs NICU now. I hope we get to see you. Congrats again and take care of yourself, Mama. Your babies are beautiful.
Thanks to you, my new name is Nana. We are so very fortunate to have such kind caring children. I just know that the quads will make such a tremendous difference in the world, as you two have created these children in love. I am so happy. I just could not be prouder of your appreciation of life, your committment to each other and for all the joy you have and continue to give us.
I love you..
Just passing through but wanted to send out Many, Many Congrats to you and your beautiful family. Please take care of yourself and we will keep your babies in our prayers. May they continue to be strong and strive and of course, bring you great joy. God Bless and hey~Way to go!!!!
Congratulations on your beautiful blessings! I can't wait to see them! Take care of yourself please let us know if we can do anything!
Wow! The babies are beautiful! Congrats on your wonderful blessings!! Take care of yourself!
Congratulations!On your bundle of joy,they are so precious and adorable, my prayers continue for their health and strength as they continue to strive and grow each day, and the joy they have brought to you both. Kelly take care of yourself, don't hesitate to let me know if you need help! God Bless.
We were so happy to hear the babies had arrived! Jenna & I check your blog often & enjoyed your update on their birth with pictures! I hope you are feeling better after your c-section. I'm sure it's difficult not being home. Make sure you take care of yourself, get enough rest & eat! We are praying for your family (all 6 of you)! Laurie keeps us up to date! Take care & give each baby a kiss for us!
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