I'm finally starting to feel the actual bad side of being pregnant,....if there is one. I look like I am full term right now and I am FEELING it. My body is aching all over. My back is killing me, my face and neck are broken out, and my heartburn is unbearable (no matter what I eat or drink). If I stand for long periods of time, my feet, particularly my heels, hurt and my ankles begin to swell. My cravings are getting pretty bad, but the problem is I don't know what I'm craving. My stomach hurts because my muscles are stretching. Speaking of stretching, I am growing large stretchmarks on my lower stomach and hips. I think I'm starting to feel the babies move. I can definitely feel them when I press my fingers against my stomach. I'm having a hard time finding maternity clothes that fit, if that is even possible. So I have resorted to many sun dresses. Thank God we live in Florida, or we would have a real problem. We're beginning to stock up on diapers and since we now know what the sexes are have begun to buy some baby clothes. They are so hard to resist!
Lex senior year of FOOTBALL!
5 years ago
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