Here is the update on each one...I hope I can remember everything.....
We know that Ava has been crawling for a while now (she has to be one of the fastest crawlers I have ever seen), but she is almost ready to walk. She is moving along the couch and can balance for a few seconds when you let her go. She doesn't fall though, she squats to a sitting position. She can sit up as well. She gets into everything. She is definitely one to watch. She's gonna be trouble. You can see it in her eyes. She is finally talking a little now. She only grunted before , but she has finally started saying "mom mom mom". She is quite the explorer. Christopher Columbus has nothing on her. She is all over the place. We can't keep up with her. We actually had to make the gate area larger because she needs more space. You can't stop can only hope to contain her.
Luke was the next one to crawl. He smiles a lot. He is such a happy baby unless he is tired or hungry, but aren't we all. Speaking of smiling, as you will see in some pictures below, Luke has two teeth. He can also sit up and says "da da". Luke was the first one to clap. He loves to jump around in the jumper and when you hold him he just bounces and bounces. He's my little Tigger. When he has his eye on something he wants, you better get out of his way.....he's like a bull in a china shop. He doesn't care if something or someone (his sisters) is in his way...he will mow them down. Sounds like a football player to me! PSU here we come!
We didn't think Sarah would ever crawl and then one day...she just started moving. She never rocked like Ava or Luke and she never did the army crawl like Lily. She just crawled. Sarah was the first to talk. She says mom mom mom and da da da. She sounds like a freight train when she's soothing herself to sleep (for like 45 minutes). I can't believe she never loses her voice. I think the other kids are so used to it that it puts them to sleep. She has been trying to pull herself up, but falls quite frequently and gets frustrated. She has the stomach muscles, but now needs to work on her leg muscles. She loves to clap. She wants you to do it with her. She has also started feeding herself bottle. We are still working on this because she loves to play with it instead of eat, especially at night. She is also extremely flexible. She ends up in all kinds of contorted ways and doesn't seem to mind. She is our little gymnast!
Lily is the sweetest little thing. Her smile is so big and beautiful. It's enough to cheer anyone up no matter what is going on! Sometimes you don't even know she is there. She is so quiet and then every once in a while, she'll get a huge burst of energy and start waving her hands and screaming at the top of her lungs. She loves to hear herself and talk to things (table legs, stuffed animals, toys, anything...). She has not said any real words yet, but we're thinking any day now. She is crawling, slowly, but surely! She is so tall that we think she just doesn't know how to control all her body parts just yet! It's a lot to lug around! She is the first one to wave hello though! So everyone has a first...YAY!
Mom Mom (my Mom) playing with the kids!!!!
Grandpop (my Dad) playing with the kids!!!
Nana (Nick's Mom) came down for a visit for two weeks! We had a great visit and she helped out a lot. She especially helped Mom Mom out a lot during the day while Mommy and Daddy were working. Thanks for all your hard work Nana. I know it's not easy or much of a vacation, but the kids loved seeing their Nana and they had sooo much fun with you! We miss you already.
Another day when the kids were napping Luke somehow took off his diaper and was found playing with his poop! GROSS! It was everywhere! I know I'm gross! What do you want? I'm a little boy discovering new things!
Usually every week there is a least one picture of my Uncle Jay playing with the kids. He usually comes over every other day or so for playtime or to help feed at night. Well, he was sick, and of course, didn't want to get the kids sick, so he stayed away for about a week. When he finally came over for a visit after he was better, the kids obviously missed him as captured in the photo below.
Hi Great Uncle Jay! We missed you!
Ava and Luke playing in the Pea Pod.
What happy babies! Ava and Luke playing in the crib after being changed and getting ready for bed!
We decided to take the kids out for a little trip to have lunch at a place called Pop's Sunset Grill. It's on the Intercoastal, so Nick and I took the kids by car and Grandpop, Mom Mom, Nana, and Uncle Jay went by boat and met us there. The kids did really well. It was very hot. They were fine until it was time to eat. We have a hard time giving them bottles when we are anywhere, but home. So after about 2 1/2 hours, we left. They did eat when they got home. Here are some pictures from our excursion:
Since it was so hot, we started giving them water out of a real cup! They loved it and couldn't get enough!
Awesome post woman! You look great and the kiddos look fantastic. Great job momma! Glad to see you are surviving going back to work. It is tough, but hang in there - it will get better.
Love ya!
Precious pics!!! Loved the update! Glad things are going well at school and I know your mom and dad are having a blast with the babies! Luv Ya Chica!!
Oh my gosh. I can't believe how much they've grown since I saw them in June. Sarah, especially is changing. I know it's hard to go to work every day but remember that they are in good hands and are given a chance to bond with your mom and dad. Hang in there. Before you know it Thanksgiving break will be here and you can spend more time with them. Hugs and kisses from PA.
Love ya!
I loved the super post! I've really missed you guys! I understand that you must be wiped out having gone back to work, but you're so right - you have created something special. What a loving family! The pictures were amazing and are the perfect end to my day!
Oh, and thanks for a great idea! I plan to pop one of our peapods in the play area tomorrow to see if it helps them get used to it! EXCELLENT SUGGESTION!
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