Well the day started out perfect for the plane ride up north. Everything was packed the night before, we knew how we were going to work it and the day began! The kids ate in the early morning and then went back to sleep for a few hours. We left for the airport at 9am. Grandpop took us to help us feed the kids at the airport. While MomMom stayed behind and began the task of Summer cleaning!
It's an hour drive to the Fort Myers airport.
The car ride was great. The kids were awake, but good. When we got to the airport we put them in two double strollers and each had one infant car seat hanging on the stroller we were pushing. We each carried a diaper bag and we checked our baggage at curbside check-in. We were on our way to ....dant dant dant.....security! I was really worried about it. Thank GOD my dad was with us. We had to take all the kids out of the strollers, take of their shoes, put the strollers and the car seats through the x-ray machines. Talk about a hassle! The kids were fabulous through the whole thing though! Not a peep. I think they were just so amazed by everything that was going on. The TSA people did help us out though and were very friendly when they realized they were all ours! Speaking of which, Nick did wear a shirt that said (on the back) "Yes they're all mine". I thought it was funny! I can't believe some of the things that people ask...Like "Are they all yours?", Do you have 2 sets of twins?" The list goes on and on! My Quad Mamas know what I'm talking about!
We were finally off and running to the gate. We timed it just right. Our plane left at 11:30am and we got to the gate at 10:30am. Just enough time to get them fed and settled to load up on the plane. Luke and Lily ate like champs, as always and we put them in the car seats so that if they fell asleep before we loaded on the plane, they would not have to be disturbed.
Sarah & Ava on the other hand.....as we all know, are not good eaters and of course gave us a hard time. As if we didn't get enough attention walking through the airport, Ava started her screaming and tantrums because she didn't want to eat her food. Our doctor called her a pterodactyl because that's what she sounds like when she screams. Sarah could just care less about eating because she was to involved in people watching.
We had help from the flight attendants loading on the plane. We went first, of course, and the plane was not full, so we got to spread out and had a whole isle to ourselves. That was nice. I don't think anyone would want to sit with four babies anyway. Stay tuned for the flight home story for more on that. Luke and Lily slept the whole flight and woke up when we touched down. Nick and I took turns holding Ava & Sarah who slept on and off the whole flight. Sarah's ears bothered her a little, but she was still very good.
Luke sound asleep on the plane
Sarah wants to know "Are we there yet?"
Lily sleeping in her car seat and Daddy & Ava sleeping.
We landed safely and Daddy and Ava are very excited. Laurie is waiting to pick us up.
After all the commotion of loading everyone back into the strollers, I didn't get to take pictures of Laurie and our stroll through the Philadelphia Airport. Thanks to Laurie who crammed 4 car seats, 3 adults,3 suitcases, 2 strollers, and 2 diaper bags into her Chevy Trailblazer. What a champ. Thanks for keeping me calm! Thanks for getting us to Nana & Pop Pop's safe and sound. The kids really were very good! You would have though that there was maybe one baby on the plane, not four!
After all the commotion of the day, we set up Nana & Pop Pop's house as best as we could to make the kids as comfortable as possible. The Quads were very excited to see Nana, Pop Pop & Aunt Tara when we got in. When we all calmed down and it was time to eat. The kids ate and watched some Baby Einstein and we ate Cheesesteaks and Hoagies! YUM! What a wonderful first evening.
The kids really were amazing on the flight! No exaggerations necessary. NOW, the flight home, we'll talk about later! Stay tuned for Part 2...Some Visitors and a Bar-b-Que!
Till next time!
Wow, you guys are brave! Glad you had safe travels!!
So cute!!!
Hi, my quads are just a few weeks younger than yours. I am SO impressed that you took them on a plane ride!!! We took them to church for the first time on Sunday and even with four helpers, it was not easy! My parents live in Texas, so if we ever get up the guts to take the babies down there, I might be contacting you for some flying advice. :)
i know you are behind on the blog but I just want to thank you again for another great trip down south. The babies are doing so well and regardless of what you might think you are so organized. One would think that you have done this before. For anyone who has not visited Kelly and Nick in their own environment you would be so amazed at the system that have between eating, sleeping, changing and playtime. I was totally impressed. Keep up the hard work but make sure you take time to rest so you continue to have the energy! I miss you already even though I left about 24 hours ago. Give the babies a kiss from all of us up north.
Love ya.
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