Well another week has passed and we have had a great one. I took (Nick's brother)Uncle Teddy and Aunt Jackie to the airport on Tuesday and picked (Nick's sister)Aunt Tara up on the same day! Everyone has been a great help. We also had visitors on Sunday. Jenny and Sarah came over to visit and take over a feed so the rest of us could take a break. Just so everyone knows...if you want to visit... just give a call...make sure you are not sick...and no kids are allowed right now.
They are all doing very well. They have been a little fussy, spitting up still, and not sleeping very well. So, I asked the doctor if we could change their formula to Enfamil Lipil AR (added rice), which is what Ava is on. So far..it seems to be working. They have all seemed to find their hands and fingers which is a great thing for me. They suck on them when their binkies fall out. So, I don't have to run and put them back in when they fall out. Yeah!!!!!
They all love to play in their gyms. Luke and Sarah love to grab at the hanging toys and Lily loves to stare at herself in the mirror. Luke can almost stay in a sitting postion on his own. He can really hold his head up. His colic seems to be getting bertter. He loves to eat though. He gets very mad if you are even a minute late. Sarah is very demanding. She wants you to talk to her and play with her when she is awake. If you don't, she will yell at you. Lily hates to go to sleep. She thinks she is gojgn to miss something. She is the cuddle bug. She loves to hug. She is working on holding up her head. She is so big and her head is so heavy, she is having a hard time. She's like a big sack of potatoes.
Ava is doing very well. Tara and I went to visit her on Saturday and I had the honor of taking her oxygen mask off. She has been doing great without it. She has had it on a total of 4 hours since. She seems to fall into deep sleeps and starts breathing shallow. They said this will improve. She seems to be taking the new formula well and has had very few spits. We are hopeful that she will be home soon. They said hopefully early next week pending her oxygen! Please pray for her to be strong so that she does not need it anymore.
They all had thier final eye test today and they are great! They will have to go again when they are a year old!
Aunt Tara leaves tomorrow and she is sad to go. We will all miss her, but hopefully we will see her again real soon! We have no other visitors coming until the end of February.. Great Aunt Susanne is coming for a visit. I guess our next group of visitors will be coming when we have the Christening. We're not sure of that date just yet until Ava comes home. Stay tuned!
Enjoy the pictures! We love to read posts!!!!!
Don't forget to click on the slideshow if you would like to get see the pictures individually and bigger.
Lex senior year of FOOTBALL!
5 years ago