On Tuesday, April 15th the blood results indicated that Kelly's Beta numbers were 1,426 which is a very strong POSITIVE. Since the numbers were so high, she was sent to get more blood work on Thursday, April 17th. Her Beta numbers had more than doubled - they were 3,583. The doctor said that the results were very indicative of carrying multiples and scheduled Kelly for her first ultrasound on Wednesday, April 23rd. She was now 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant. During the ultrasound, the doctor saw three developing sacs and one empty sac. He then scheduled Kelly for a followup ultrasound to determine if the fourth sac was viable. Kelly and Nick could not believe that they were pregnant in the first place, but were at a loss for words when they found out there were three babies let alone the possibility of four.
Lex senior year of FOOTBALL!
5 years ago
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